...at least for me. That big, gigantic, intimidating place that everyone says New York is supposed to be is feeling smaller, more intimate to me these days. Granted I don't hang around Times Square that much (any more), and stay away from other touristy spots, but still, other boroughs are just as crowded yet I'm not feeling cramped.
I have found my own niche, my own lane in NY and maybe that's what allows me focus in the crowds. Or it could be my travels around the world that play a part in this, constantly reminding me through memories that the world is bigger than this big city. But I am not even sure that either one of them is it. I think in the end, NY is a city like any other city. It may look grand and mysterious at first, but once you settle in and get to know your way around some of that mysticism looses it touch. Eventually, you run into people you know on the streets, go to house parties where everyone knows your name, and are able to give directions to other newcomers to the city. This is a very interesting observation for me. I am at home...no matter where I am at.

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