I am re-reading Paulo Coehlo's book of short stories, "Like the flowing river". Many passages contain insightful lessons, thoughts, and experiences. I thought I'd post a directional entry from one of them, as just a reminder. Maybe I will remember these the next time I come across a barrier that seems insurmountable. Then again, maybe I won't. I just know that I am on my journey and there are peaks and valleys...yet I keep, keeping on.
How to climb mountains
1. Choose the mountain you want to climb
2. Find out how to reach the mountain
3. Learn from someone who has been there before
4. Dangers, seen from close to, are controllable
5. The landscape changes, so make the most of it
6. Respect your body
7. Respect your soul
8. Be prepared to go the extra mile
9. Be joyful when you reach the top
10.Make a promise
11.Tell your story

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