when you stop wondering why, and start wondering how/
how to get ahead while not afraid to be dead/
true to what you said, it's your word and your vow..."
These words are the beginning of my verse for a hip-hop track I recorded earlier this year with some friends. And those words are ringing truer and truer in my ears these days. Tomorrow is here! There is no other way to say it, no other way to interpret it. Simply: Tomorrow is Here.
This means a lot to me on many levels. For one, a new year is coming...is here. Sometimes I laugh to think that I decade just went by. How fast! But even moreso, more importantly, I am living the life I have been wanting, striving, and sacrificing to live. I am a working artist. I am an educator. I am a writer. I am a student. I am a world traveler. I am centered and grounded. These are all the attributes I strove for yesterday. And today I am living it.

This path has not come without its challenges. There were many roads to travel and many mountains to climb. The truth is that there are still more roads to travel and even more mountains to climb. However, I am on the path. I am on my path. No longer am I trying to get on it, trying to be somewhere or do something. I've already done it. I am already here. Now, it's just about doing it better.
How does that song go again:
"...now that life is demanding me to earn my pay/
I sacrificed yesterday for returns today/
give thanks for tomorrow and then be on my way/
into a new day, it's ya boy CHIKE!"
(Come on)
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